PinnedStasy HsiehSense of Insecure, OracleThere’s a novel called “Oracle” written by Margerette Atwood. A woman, the protagonist, is a control freak and always needs to control…Apr 6, 2023Apr 6, 2023
PinnedStasy Hsieh2022 Maybe you should talk to someone今年的最後一天,我參加了一場拖遲已久的婚禮。和久未蒙面的朋友視訊,寫了email給一年前去西班牙找我的要向我告白但被我擋回去的朋友,和一個三年不見的大學朋友吃了跨年晚餐,一起在運河邊散步。Dec 31, 2022Dec 31, 2022
PinnedStasy HsiehOn Drug Addiction, Stigma, and conformationI just went fresh out of the cinema. Tuesday night, I eagerly needed some fresh air out of coding and sometimes-too-intense interpersonal…Mar 14, 2023Mar 14, 2023
Stasy HsiehI haven’t rested well for a long long timeEfficiency, more efficiency, more achievements.15h ago15h ago
Stasy Hsieh嗨秀珠,這是我最近的故事我簽了彈性工時的約,於是可以很早上班 — — — 為的是很早下班。因為工作場所,所有我必須待九個小時的地方,都感到窒息。所以我會想在人群匯雜之處,眾人開始聚集的時刻,趕緊離開。那個時刻,是中午12點到1點半不等。也就是說,我需要三點到四點半到達辦公室。Oct 28Oct 28
Stasy HsiehReading list for this monthI love reading. And here are the books that I keep at hand this month. Some are finished, the others are just-arrived:Oct 26Oct 26
Stasy HsiehModule 3: Cybersecurity Policy at the National LevelThe U.S. Cybersecurity Strategy secures infrastructure, disrupts threats, and enforces tech accountability, boosting resilience and…Oct 26Oct 26