Behind the scenes
Nicole Krauss wrote a book called “The Great House,” which influenced me even to this day.
She started writing with “Dear Court,” and then continued with whatever the protagonists had to confess.
I have my confessions too.
I was overwhelmed by the city traffic, I was overwhelmed by my almost-absent supervisor’s call to attention. I was overwhelmed by job interviews, I was overwhelmed by dating people on a dating app, I was overwhelmed by colleagues’ patronage, I was overwhelmed by how to properly reject attending a good friend’s wedding. I was overwhelmed by my overwhelming.
I was so afraid.
I cried. And yes, I did ask myself, would I ever be able to find my next love as well? Jan left, and thereafter, I haven’t encountered anyone who pursued me so actively and made my heart sing out loud so gayly.
I haven’t had a good time simply being at the moment.
做什麼事都不對,時間不對,地點不對,人不對。這麼多的錯誤累積下來,我經過了玉石俱焚的自毀式憤怒,自暴自棄大哭的憤怒 — — — 為了在三小時內產出一個應付面試的作品集。但是你忘記了,你對自己的要求是除了完美,沒有其他可能。你忘記你其實已經盡力做得很好了。
你已經對工作不期不待。你的supervisor在幾天後回答你的問題時,你都已經找到答案了。但也因此,你直接和美國開發者直接通信,你覺得鬆了一口氣 — — — 現在,你把戰場轉回自己可以自己控制了,你拿回工作主導權。Supervisor偶然問進度,你便嚇得心跳加快,不知道該怎麼回。而你又深怕別人看出你一無是處。父親說,被裁員,那就再找工作就好了。
你每天到公司時總是很累很累,花上五個小時做自己的事,剩下的時間你已經熟悉非常,花上兩個半小時足矣,並且避免和同事說話 — — — 你投歐洲履歷,練習荷蘭文,看個體經濟學,讀美國在職碩班,做瑜伽與核心運動,做翻譯作品集,也許就是為了有一天回到歐洲生活。但你下班後也累壞了。
而你上週終於得到面試機會 — — — 三張入場卷。但是你那特意凌晨三點起床,三點半工作的作息,幾乎把你壓垮。你並沒有太多時間是精神抖擻的,官方說法是吃安眠藥,你自己心裡卻很清楚 — — — 你的心裡沒有在跳動的期待。那裡一無所有。