Dear Ms. Lawyer

Stasy Hsieh
2 min readDec 10, 2023


Dear Ms. Lawyer,

At the end of the year I will write letters reflecting on what happened. So this is a letter to you.

Allow me be straightforward. If it’s offensive, I can only feel sorry.

I hope things are good with you. I couldn’t really articulate in Mandarin with you, so I wrote in English first, and then Google Translate it into Mandarin.

Last time we spoke, it was unpleasant for you, but also unpleasant for me.

I contacted you, because you were Janet’s mother. But that doesn’t mean I granted the elders the right to patronize me. Because what I have experienced in life so far, is already beyond what most of the people in Taiwan experienced for their whole life.

When you said you didn’t want to reply to the email, I thought, well, then just don’t. It’s not your responsbility to reply and complain to me about this.

But thank you for your explanation regarding the law, which was different from the two other lawyers I consulted. Maybe it was really the lawyers who made the difference on interpretation, not the law itself.

You asked me, how could I questioned professors and lawyers? And that, to work, is to tolerate.

On hearing this, a friend who works as Head Nurse laughed out, “There are too many hidden secrets in hospitals. You just never know.”

And for tolerance at work, I am afraid, that is how tyrany bosses are spoiled.

Once I heard a friend who worked in Google said, “the best solution to solve a problem is to solve the person who asked it.” When you talked to me, I felt it that way.

And then the two hours phone call, was on things that are not related to my questions, but on my personal life, job status, and my family situation. That made me even more uncomfortable. Because, to be honest, that is none of your business.

Lastly, if you have time, perhaps you can read 人類大歷史. The book talks about religion, that its very origin is to control the population. So I don’t believe in Christinality. Because it’s patriachical and hiearchical. But I do believe in Buddishm, because it’s about psychology and equality, not omnipotency.

I am grateful for your time, and I wish we never see/talk to each other again,



Stasy Hsieh
Stasy Hsieh

Written by Stasy Hsieh

Bare honest witness to the world as I have experienced with it.

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